How to download from Rott Legacy?
You can follow this tutorial on How to download from Rott Legacy? to be able to pass the “url shortener” without problems avoiding the publicity of these.
Why not just upload the apk instead of zip files?
Because some storage servers sometimes generate downloads of intrusive apks files mostly when you enter from your mobile, we want to avoid you being a victim of unwanted applications, so that when you unzip the zip file that has as password the url of our page be 100% sure that you have downloaded our contribution.
Why do we use “url shortener”?
Rott Legacy is a non-profit site, so we only use the “url shortener” to protect our download links, you will realize that going through the “url shortener” is nothing compared to the value of the content shared by our team that with great effort and dedication is made.
How do you use the income of the “url shortener”?
The income helps us to cover part of the hosting and domain costs.